

最後に scriptedPanel について。

// This second example shows how to use the saveState and copyState callbacks.
// saveStateCallback enables a panel to restore its state from a saved scene file.
// copyStateCallback enables a 'tear off copy' of a panel to copy its state from the original.
// print statements have been left in as an instructional aid - you would remove these in a
//    real use case.

global proc meCreateCallback(string $panelName) {
// Create callback: create the editor.
print( "create " + $panelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    $me = `modelEditor -unParent $me`;
    modelEditor -e -da "smoothShaded" -wos 1 $me;

global proc meInitCallback(string $panelName) {
// Init callback: allow re-initialisation (not used here).
print( "init " + $panelName + "\n" );

global proc meAddCallback(string $panelName) {
// Add callback: add editor into a panel layout.
// In this example we add a formLayout and two buttons,
// allowing the user to change the "wireframe on shaded" mode of the viewer.
print( "add " + $panelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    string $layout = `formLayout`;
    modelEditor -e -parent $layout $me;
    string $cmd = "modelEditor -e -wos 1 " + $me;
    string $wos1 = `button -parent $layout -label "WOS 1" -c $cmd`;
    $cmd = "modelEditor -e -wos 0 " + $me;
    string $wos0 = `button -parent $layout -label "WOS 0" -c $cmd`;
    formLayout -e -af $wos1 "top" 0 -af $wos1 "left" 0 $layout;
    formLayout -e -af $wos0 "left" 0 -ac $wos0 "top" 0 $wos1 $layout;
    formLayout -e -af $me "top" 0 -af $me "bottom" 0 -ac $me "left" 5 $wos1 -af $me "right" 0 $layout;

global proc meRemoveCallback(string $panelName) {
// Remove callback: unparent the editor from the layout.
print( "remove " + $panelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    modelEditor -e -unParent $me;

global proc meDeleteCallback(string $panelName) {
// Delete callback: delete the editor.
print( "delete " + $panelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    deleteUI $me;

global proc string meSaveStateCallback(string $panelName) {
// Save state callback: return a MEL command string that will restore the state of a recreated panel.
print( "save state " + $panelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    int $wos = `modelEditor -q -wos $me`;
    return "modelEditor -e -wos " + $wos + " " + $me;

global proc meCopyStateCallback(string $panelName, string $newPanelName) {
// Copy state callback: copy the editor's state to the new instance of the panel type.
print( "copy state " + $panelName + ", " + $newPanelName + "\n" );
    string $me = $panelName + "_me";
    string $newMe = $newPanelName + "_me";
    int $wos = `modelEditor -q -wos $me`;
    modelEditor -e -wos $wos $newMe;

// Create the scripted panel type.
string $spType = `
    -ccb meCreateCallback
    -icb meInitCallback
    -acb meAddCallback
    -rcb meRemoveCallback
    -dcb meDeleteCallback
    -scb meSaveStateCallback
    -ocb meCopyStateCallback
print( "type is " + $spType + "\n" );
// As a test, create a window containing an instance of our new panel type.
// This panel will then be selectable from the Panels menu of any other panel.
// You can also create new instances of the scripted panel type via the Panel Editor,
// which again is available from the Panels menu of all panels.

string $form = `formLayout`;
string $p = `scriptedPanel -type $spType -label "test panel"`;
formLayout -e -af $p "top" 0 -af $p "bottom" 0 -af $p "left" 0 -af $p "right" 0 $form;


最初の方の global procは、70行目からの scriptedPanelTypeで宣言しているコールバック用です。
88行目の scriptedPanelコマンドで、scriptedPanelTypeを配置していますね。
配置と同時に、scriptedPanelTypeの-acbフラグで指定された meAddCallbackが実行され、スライダーやラジオボタンが作られます。

scriptedPanel -e -unParent sampleScriptedPanel;
scriptedPanel -e -parent "sampleWin2|frm" sampleScriptedPanel;

scriptedPanel -e -unParent sampleScriptedPanel;
scriptedPanel -e -parent "sampleWin|frm" sampleScriptedPanel;


レイアウトを作成するのは、createCallbackではなく addCallback のプロシージャというのが少しややこしいかも。



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